Journal articles
Rodon, Toni; Guinjoan, Marc; Ioannidis, Nikandros (2025) Electoral and partisan consequences of sovereignty referendum outcomes: A comparative analysis, Party Politics,
Sánchez-García, Álvaro; Rodon, Toni; Delgado, Maria (2024) Where has everyone gone? Depopulation and voting behaviour in Spain, European Journal of Political Research, 64(1): 296-319. [pdf]
Rodon, Toni; Rodríguez, Irene (2024) A bitter victory and a sweet defeat: the July 2023 Spanish general election, South European Society and Politics, 28(3), 335–357 [pdf].
Vall-Prat, Pau; Rodon, Toni (2024) The Spanish 2023 general elections: unexpected snap elections to survive in power, West European Politics, 47(3): 1419-1434 [pdf].
Rodon, Toni; Kent, Jonathan (2023) Geographies of EU dissatisfaction. Does spatial segregation between natives and migrants erode the EU, Journal of European Public Policy, 31(6): 1675–1692. [pdf]
Rodon, Toni (2022) The Scars of Violence and Repression on Founding Elections: Evidence from Spain, Conflict Management and Peace Science, 41(1): 47-71. [pdf]
Rodon, Toni; Tormos, Raül (2022) The Burden of a Violent Past: Formative Experiences of Repression and Support for Secession in Catalonia, British Journal of Political Science, 1-12 [pdf] [replication materials] [IEA Award 2022]
Rodon, Toni (2022) Affective and territorial polarisation: the impact on vote choice in Spain, South European Society and Politics. [pdf]
Amat, Francesc; Rodon, Toni (2021) Institutional Commitment Problems and Regional Autonomy: The Catalan Case, Politics and Governance, 9(4): 439-452 [pdf].
Rodon, Toni (2021) Caught in the middle? How voters react to spatial indifference, Electoral Studies. [pdf]
Osnabrügge, Moritz; Hobolt, Sara B.; Rodon, Toni (forthcoming) Playing to the Gallery: Emotive Rhetoric in Parliaments, American Political Science Review. [pdf] [replication materials]
Torcal, Mariano; Rodon, Toni (2021) Zooming in on the ‘Europeanisation’ of national politics: A comparative analysis of seven EU countries, Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES) [pdf]
Rodon, Toni; Guinjoan, Marc (2021) Beaten ballots: political participation dynamics amidst police interventions, Political Science & Research Methods [pdf] [replication materials]
Hobolt, Sara; Hoerner, Julian; Rodon, Toni (2021) Having a say or getting your way? Political choice and satisfaction with democracy, European Journal of Political Research [pdf]
Escribà-Folch, Abel; Muradova, Lala H.; Rodon, Toni (2020) The Effects of Autocratic Characteristics on Public Opinion toward Democracy Promotion Policies: A Conjoint Analysis, Foreign Policy Analysis, 17(1):. [pdf] [Replication materials]
Rodon, Toni (2020) The Spanish electoral cycle of 2019: a tale of two countries, West European Politics, 43:7, 1490-1512 [pdf]
Guinjoan, Marc; Rodon, Toni (2021) Let’s party! The impact of local festivities on the incumbent’s electoral support, Local Government Studies, 47:5, 712-734 [pdf] [replication materials]
Hobolt, Sara; Rodon, Toni (2020) Cross-cutting issues and electoral choice. EU issue voting in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum, Journal of European Public Policy, 27(2): 227-245. [pdf]
Hobolt, Sara; Rodon, Toni (2020) Domestic Contestation of the European Union, Journal of European Public Policy, 27(2): 161-167. [pdf]
Hoerner, Julian M.; Jaax, Alexander; Rodon, Toni (2019) The long-term impact of the location of concentration camps on radical-right voting in Germany, Research and Politics, 6(4): 1-18. [pdf] [Replication materials]
Amat, Francesc; Boix, Carles; Muñoz, Jordi; Rodon, Toni (2020) From Political Mobilization to Electoral Participation: Turnout in Barcelona in the 1930s, The Journal of Politics, 82(4): 1559-1575. [pdf] [Replication materials] *Recipient of an honorable mention of the 2020 Best Article Prize Award. European Politics and Society Section. APSA.
Wiertz, Dingeman; Rodon, Toni (2019) Frozen or Malleable? Political Ideology in the Face of Job Loss and Unemployment, Socio-Economic Review. [pdf]
Rodon, Toni; Sanjaume-Calvet, Marc (2019) How fair is it? An experimental study of perceived fairness of distributive policies, The Journal of Politics, 82(1): 384-391. [pdf] [Replication materials]
Cuadras-Morató, Xavier; Bel, Germà; Rodon, Toni (2019) Crisis? What Crisis? Economic recovery and support for independence in Catalonia, Regional Science Policy & Practice, 1-16.
Cuadras-Morató, Xavier; Rodon, Toni (2018) The dog that didn’t bark: on the effect of the Great Recession on the surge of secessionism, Ethnic and Racial Studies,42(12): 2189-2208. [pdf] [Replication materials]
Rodon, Toni; Guinjoan, Marc (2018) When the context matters: Identity, secession and the spatial dimension in Catalonia, Political Geography, 63: 75-87. [pdf] [Replication materials]
Rodon, Toni; Guinjoan, Marc (2018) Mind the Protest Gap: The Role of Resources in the Face of Economic Hardship, PS: Political Science & Politics, 51(1): 84-92. [pdf]
Vall-Prat, Pau; Rodon, Toni (2017) Decentralization and Regional Cabinet Size: the Spanish Case (1979-2015). West European Politics, 40(4): 717-740. [pdf] [Dataset and replication materials]
Orriols, Lluís; Rodon, Toni (2016) The 2015 Catalan Election: The Independence Bid at the Polls. South European Society and Politics, 21(3): 359-381. [pdf]
Rodon, Toni; Hierro, Maria José (2016) New Forces Shake up the Spanish Party System: The 2015 Local and Regional Elections. South European Society and Politics, 21(3): 339-357 .[pdf]
Guinjoan, Marc; Rodon, Toni (2016) A scrutiny of the Linz-Moreno question. Publius: The Journal of Federalism. 46(1): 128-142. [here]
Torcal, Mariano; Rodon, Toni; Hierro, Ma José (2016) Word on the Street: The Persistence of Leftist-dominated Protest in Europe. West European Politics, 39(2): 326-350. [pdf].
Verge, Tània; Guinjoan, Marc; Rodon, Toni (2015) Risk aversion, gender and constitutional change. Politics & Gender, 11(3): 499-521 [pdf]
Rodon, Toni (2015) When the kingmaker stays home: Revisiting the Ideological Bias on Turnout. Party Politics, 27(2): 177-196. [pdf and supplementary material] [dataset]
Rodon, Toni (2014) Do all Roads Lead to the Centre? The Unresolved Dilemma of Centrist Self-Placement. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27(2): 177-196 (pdf and supplementary material). 2016 Robert M. Worcester Prize (here)
Rodon, Toni and Núria Franco-Guillén (2014). Contact with immigrants in times of crisis: An exploration of the Catalan case, Ethnicities, 14(5): (pdf)
Astudillo, Javier and Toni Rodon (2013) El comportamiento electoral del votante en la mediana y las “paradojas” de la competición electoral española, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 144:3-21 (pdf)
Guinjoan, Marc and Toni Rodon (2013). Beyond identities: Political Determinants of Support for Decentralization in Contemporary Spain, Regional and Federal Studies, 24(1): 21-41.
Klüver, Heike and Toni Rodon (2013). Explaining policy position choice of Europarties: The effect of legislative resources, British Journal of Political Science, 43, 3, 629-650 (pdf).
Rodon, Toni (2009) El sesgo de participación en el sistema electoral español, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 126, pp.107-125 (pdf)
Hobolt, Sara; Rodon, Toni (2021) Domestic Contestation of the European Union, London: Routledge.
Hobolt, Sara; Rodon, Toni (2020) Co-editor of the Special Issue “Domestic Contestation of the European Union”, Journal of European Publicy Policy, 27(2) [pdf].
El miratge de l’autogovern. El sistema autonòmic en perspectiva comparada. Fundació Josep Irla. 2016
Una visió geogràfica de la independència de Catalunya Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics. 2015.
Cataluña en la encrucijada. Las elecciones catalanas en 2012. Marcial Pons. Editor conjuntament amb Lluís Orriols. 2014
Catalunya, un pas endavant. Angle Editorial (amb Marc Guinjoan i Marc Sanjaume). 2013 (Premi Josep Irla)
Book chapters
Guinjoan, Marc; Rodon, Toni (2014) “Catalonia at a crossroad: Political analysis of the increasing support for secession”, in Catalonia: a New Independent State in Europe, Xavier Cuadras (eds), Routledge, Chapter 2.
Rodon, Toni (2014) “El orden de los factores altera el producto. La participación electoral del 25N”, a Cataluña en la encrucijada. Las elecciones catalanas en 2012, Toni Rodon i Lluís Orriols (eds), Marcial Pons, capítol 2.
Astudillo, Javier i Toni Rodon (2012). La lucha política ‘a la inglesa’ y ‘a la española’ (o dos maneras de ganar el voto del centro), a Democràcia, Política i Societat. Homenatge a la Professora Rosa Virós, Barcelona, p. 41-63.
Barcelona: A Bivalent Multilingual City. A Cities and Languages: Governance and Policy. Coautor: Jordi Font. Enllaç.
Other publications
Rodon, Toni (2017) L’erosió de la confiança en la democràcia, Eines per a l’esquerra nacional, 29, pp. 12-27.
Rodon, Toni (2014) Constitucions: pedres rígides o material flexible? Eines per a l’esquerra nacional, 19, pp. 71-81.
Rodon, Toni (2012) The Next Independent State in Europe? Catalonia’s Critical Juncture and the Conundrum of Independence, Anuari 2012, Universitat de Belgrad, Facultat de Ciències Polítiques, 129-148 (pdf).
Rodon, Toni (2011) Quan el contacte amaga les pors. La hipòtesi del ‘contacte’.” Eines per a l’esquerranacional, 15, pp. 75-85.
Rodon, Toni (2011) Desafecció, insatisfacció o inquietud? Revista Diàlegs, 50, p.37-52.
Working papers
Amat, Francesc; Rodon, Toni (2021) Negative Shocks and Political Parties’ Territorial Demands: The Institutional Roots of Party Competition, Frontiers in Political Science.
Rodon, Toni; Núria Franco-Guillén (2013) Reconciling context and contact with immigrants effects: An examination of the Catalan case. GRITIM-UPF Working Paper Series, n. 15. Download here.
Guinjoan, Marc and Toni Rodon (2011) Beyond Identities: Support for decentralisation across regions in Spain. Nuffield College Working Papers in Politics. 2011-5. Download here.