

Sánchez-García, Álvaro; Rodon, Toni; Delgado, Maria (properament) Where has everyone gone? Depopulation and voting behaviour in Spain, European Journal of Political Research. [pdf]

Rodon, Toni; Rodríguez, Irene (2024) A bitter victory and a sweet defeat: the July 2023 Spanish general election, South European Society and Politics, 28(3), 335–357 [pdf].

Vall-Prat, Pau; Rodon, Toni (2024) The Spanish 2023 general elections: unexpected snap elections to survive in power, West European Politics, 47(3): 1419-1434 [pdf].

Rodon, Toni; Kent, Jonathan (2023) Geographies of EU dissatisfaction. Does spatial segregation between natives and migrants erode the EU, Journal of European Public Policy, 31(6): 1675–1692. [pdf]

Rodon, Toni (2022) The Scars of Violence and Repression on Founding Elections: Evidence from Spain, Conflict Management and Peace Science, , 41(1): 47-71. [pdf]

Rodon, Toni; Tormos, Raül (2022) The Burden of a Violent Past: Formative Experiences of Repression and Support for Secession in Catalonia, British Journal of Political Science, 1-12 [pdf] [replication materials] [Premi IEA 2022]

Rodon, Toni (2022) Affective and territorial polarisation: the impact on vote choice in Spain, South European Society and Politics. [pdf]

Amat, Francesc; Rodon, Toni (2021) Institutional Commitment Problems and Regional Autonomy: The Catalan Case, Politics and Governance, 9(4): 439-452 [pdf].

Rodon, Toni (2021) Caught in the middle? How voters react to spatial indifference, Electoral Studies. [pdf]

Osnabrügge, Moritz; Hobolt, Sara B.; Rodon, Toni (2021) Playing to the Gallery: Emotive Rhetoric in Parliaments, American Political Science Review. [pdf] [replication materials]

Torcal, Mariano; Rodon, Toni (2021) Zooming in on the ‘Europeanisation’ of national politics: A comparative analysis of seven EU countries, Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES) [pdf]

Rodon, Toni; Guinjoan, Marc (2021) Beaten ballots: political participation dynamics amidst police interventions, Political Science & Research Methods [pdf] [replication materials]

Hobolt, Sara; Hoerner, Julian; Rodon, Toni (2021) Having a say or getting your way? Political choice and satisfaction with democracy, European Journal of Political Research [pdf]

Escribà-Folch, Abel; Muradova, Lala H.; Rodon, Toni (2021) The Effects of Autocratic Characteristics on Public Opinion toward Democracy Promotion Policies: A Conjoint Analysis, Foreign Policy Analysis, 17(1) [pdf] [replication materials]

Rodon, Toni (2020) The Spanish electoral cycle of 2019: a tale of two countries, West European Politics, 43:7, 1490-1512 [pdf]

Guinjoan, Marc; Rodon, Toni (2021) Let’s party! The impact of local festivities on the incumbent’s electoral support, Local Government Studies, 47:5, 712-734 [pdf] [replication materials]

Hobolt, Sara; Rodon, Toni (2020) Cross-cutting issues and electoral choice. EU issue voting in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum, Journal of European Public Policy, 27(2): 227-245. [pdf]

Hobolt, Sara; Rodon, Toni (2020) Domestic Contestation of the European Union, Journal of European Public Policy, 27(2): 161-167. [pdf]

Hoerner, Julian M.; Jaax, Alexander; Rodon, Toni (2019) The long-term impact of the location of concentration camps on radical-right voting in Germany, Research and Politics, 6(4): 1-18. [pdf] [Replication materials]

Amat, Francesc; Boix, Carles; Muñoz, Jordi; Rodon, Toni (2020) From Political Mobilization to Electoral Participation: Turnout in Barcelona in the 1930s, The Journal of Politics. [pdf] [Replication materials] *Guanyador d’una menció d’honor al 2020 Best Article Prize Award. Secció de Societat i Política Europea. APSA.

Wiertz, Dingeman; Rodon, Toni (2019) Frozen or Malleable? Political Ideology in the Face of Job Loss and Unemployment, Socio-Economic Review. [pdf]

Rodon, Toni; Sanjaume-Calvet, Marc (2019) How fair is it? An experimental study of perceived fairness of distributive policies, The Journal of Politics. [pdf] [Replication materials]

Cuadras-Morató, Xavier; Bel, Germà; Rodon, Toni (forthcoming) Crisis? What Crisis? Economic recovery and support for independence in Catalonia, Regional Science Policy & Practice.

Cuadras-Morató, Xavier; Rodon, Toni (2018) The dog that didn’t bark: on the effect of the Great Recession on the surge of secessionism, Ethnic and Racial Studies. [pdf] [Replication materials]

Rodon, Toni; Guinjoan, Marc (2018) When the context matters: Identity, secession and the spatial dimension in Catalonia, Political Geography, 63: 75-87. [pdf] [Replication materials]

Rodon, Toni; Guinjoan, Marc (2018) Mind the Protest Gap: The Role of Resources in the Face of Economic Hardship, PS: Political Science & Politics, 51(1): 84-92.[pdf]

Vall-Prat, Pau; Rodon, Toni (2017) Decentralization and Regional Cabinet Size: the Spanish Case (1979-2015). West European Politics, 40(4): 717-740.
[pdf] [Dataset and replication materials]

Orriols, Lluís; Rodon, Toni (2016) The 2015 Catalan Election: The Independence Bid at the Polls. South European Society and Politics, 21(3): 359-381.[pdf]

Rodon, Toni; Hierro, Maria José (2016) New Forces Shake up the Spanish Party System: The 2015 Local and Regional Elections. South European Society and Politics, 21(3): 339-357.[pdf]

Guinjoan, Marc; Rodon, Toni (2016) A scrutiny of the Linz-Moreno question. Publius: The Journal of Federalism. 46(1): 128-142. [aquí]

Torcal, Mariano; Rodon, Toni; Hierro, Ma José (2015) Word on the Street: The Persistence of Leftist-dominated Protest in Europe. West European Politics, 39(2): 326-350..

Verge, Tània; Guinjoan, Marc; Rodon, Toni (2015) Risk aversion, gender and constitutional change. Politics & Gender, 11(3): 499-521..

Rodon, Toni (2015) When the kingmaker stays home: Revisiting the Ideological Bias on Turnout. Party Politics, 27(2): 177-196. [pdf and supplementary material] [dataset]

Rodon, Toni (2014) Do all Roads Lead to the Centre? The Unresolved Dilemma of Centrist Self-Placement. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27(2): 177-196 (pdf and supplementary material). 2016 Robert M. Worcester Prize (here)

Rodon, Toni and Núria Franco-Guillén (2014). Contact with immigrants in times of crisis: An exploration of the Catalan case, Ethnicities, 14(5): (pdf)

Astudillo, Javier and Toni Rodon (2013) El comportamiento electoral del votante en la mediana y las “paradojas” de la competición electoral española, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 144:3-21 (pdf)

Guinjoan, Marc and Toni Rodon (2013). Beyond identities: Political Determinants of Support for Decentralization in Contemporary Spain, Regional and Federal Studies, 24(1): 21-41.

Klüver, Heike and Toni Rodon (2012). Explaining policy position choice of Europarties: The effect of legislative resources, British Journal of Political Science, 43, 3, 629-650 (pdf).

Rodon, Toni (2009) El sesgo de participación en el sistema electoral español, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 126, pp.107-125 (pdf)


Hobolt, Sara; Rodon, Toni (2021) Domestic Contestation of the European Union, London: Routledge.

Cataluña en la encrucijada. Las elecciones catalanas en 2012. Marcial Pons. Editor conjuntament amb Lluís Orriols.

Catalunya, un pas endavant. Angle Editorial (amb Marc Guinjoan i Marc Sanjaume).

Capítols de llibres/Editor

Hobolt, Sara; Rodon, Toni (2020) Co-editor of the Special Issue “Domestic Contestation of the European Union”, Journal of European Publicy Policy, 27(2) [pdf].

Guinjoan, Marc; Rodon, Toni (2014) “Catalonia at a crossroad: Political analysis of the increasing support for secession”, in Catalonia: a New Independent State in Europe, Xavier Cuadras (eds), Routledge, Chapter 2.

Rodon, Toni (2015) El miratge de l’autogovern: el sistema autonòmica en perspectiva comparada, Fundació Josep Irla [pdf]

Rodon, Toni (2014) “El orden de los factores altera el producto. La participación electoral del 25N”, a Cataluña en la encrucijada. Las elecciones catalanas en 2012, Toni Rodon i Lluís Orriols (eds), Marcial Pons, capítol 2.

Astudillo, Javier i Toni Rodon (2012). La lucha política ‘a la inglesa’ y ‘a la española’ (o dos maneras de ganar el voto del centro), a Democràcia, Política i Societat. Homenatge a la Professora Rosa Virós, Barcelona, p. 41-63.

Barcelona: A Bivalent Multilingual City. A Cities and Languages: Governance and Policy. Coautor: Jordi Font. Enllaç.

Altres articles

Amat, Francesc; Rodon, Toni (2021) Negative Shocks and Political Parties’ Territorial Demands: The Institutional Roots of Party Competition, Frontiers in Political Science.

Rodon, Toni (2017) L’erosió de la confiança en la democràcia, Eines per a l’esquerra nacional, 29, pp. 12-27.

Rodon, Toni (2014) Constitucions: pedres rígides o material flexible?  Eines per a l’esquerra nacional, 19, pp. 71-81.

Rodon, Toni (2012) The Next Independent State in Europe? Catalonia’s Critical Juncture and the Conundrum of Independence, Anuari 2012, Universitat de Belgrad, Facultat de Ciències Polítiques, 129-148 (pdf).

Rodon, Toni (2011) Quan el contacte amaga les pors. La hipòtesi del ‘contacte’.” Eines per a l’esquerra nacional, 15, pp. 75-85.

Rodon, Toni (2011) Desafecció, insatisfacció o inquietud? Revista Diàlegs, 50, p.37-52.

Papers de treball

Rodon, Toni; Núria Franco-Guillén (2013) Reconciling context and contact with immigrants effects: An examination of the Catalan case. GRITIM-UPF Working Paper Series, n. 15. Descarregar aquí.

Guinjoan, Marc and Toni Rodon (2011) Beyond Identities: Support for decentralisation across regions in Spain. Nuffield College Working Papers in Politics. 2011-5. Descarregar aquí.